Hate crime

What is hate crime? 

Tamworth Borough Council embraces diversity in our community but unfortunately people may experience hostility because of their identity. Hate crime or hate incidents happen when someone dislikes another person or group of people, because of who they are, what they believe or how they live their lives.  Staffordshire Police recognise hate crime as crimes that are committed because someone doesn’t like the target’s:

  • Race or nationality
  • Religion or belief
  • Disability
  • Gender identity or
  • Sexual orientation.

If you experience hate crime or a hate incident on the basis of one of these differences you have several options of who to report to or gain support from.

USAH (Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate) is a free and confidential support service providing information, emotional and practical support to victims of hate crime or incidents

Staffordshire Police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency. You can also report non-emergency incidents/crimes via their website.

Tamworth Borough Council – if you are a tenant of TBC and you are experiencing hate crimes or incidents in or near your home you should contact your Tenancy Sustainment Officer who can advise you of your options and actions they can take to support you.

Stop Hate UK a 24-7 phone line and online reporting centre where you can gain advice and support on how to respond to hate crime.