We often receive Requests For Information (RFI) under the Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations where the query falls under a similar theme to a previous request. Responding to requests can place a resource strain on us, especially where they are complex or contain multiple questions. We treat RFIs from an individual, a company or the media exactly the same.
A great deal of information is already publicly available on our website. In addition, our disclosure log below contains details of frequently asked requests and responses issued.
Please note, Staffordshire County Council is responsible for education, schools, highways and health & social services/care, so any requests for information on these topics should be directed to them. You can do this and view their disclosure log on the Staffordshire County Council website.
Non Domestic Rates
We regularly receive Freedom of Information requests about Business Rates. As most of these requests are for similar information, we usually publish the data sets quarterly on our website.
By continuing to publish, the data at this time risks its use by fraudsters to identify the business entities entitled to claim grants on their accounts and pursue obtaining those funds illegally. Evidence of scams and fraud relating to the COVID19 business rate grants are currently being reported and investigated nationally.
Due to the risk, we have removed all datasets relating to business rates. At a time of national crisis, combating fraud from the public purse has to take priority.
Under exemption 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are also refusing to respond to specific requests on COVID19 Business Rate Grants.
You can read our full statement on NNDR Business Rates FOIs here.
Our Disclosure Log
- Disclosure Log Q1 2022/23 (csv) or Disclosure Log Q1 2022/23 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q2 2022/23 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q3 2022/23 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q4 2022/23 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q1 2023/24 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q2 2023/24 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q3 2023/24 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q4 2023/24 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q1 2024/25 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q2 2024/25 (xlsx)
- Disclosure Log Q3 2024/25 (xlsx)