Contaminated land

Contaminated land in the UK has largely arisen as a result of historic industrial activities and past waste disposal practices. There are also some naturally occurring pollutants which are dealt with under contaminated land regulations.

Part 2a of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 requires details of contaminated land to be held on a public register.

For land to be declared contaminated, it must meet the statutory definition as set out by the Act.

There are currently no sites in Tamworth which have been formally identified as contaminated land.

Our responsibilities

Tamworth Borough Council has a regulatory role in controlling threats to health and the environment from land contamination.

Every local authority is required to:

  • Inspect areas to identify contaminated land
  • Establish responsibilities to remediate the land
  • Keep a public register of regulatory action taken under part 11a of the Environment Protection Act 1990

Land contamination is mainly dealt with via:

  1. Planning and Development Control
  2. Part 2a of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990

Contaminated land and planning

To ensure safe development in Tamworth, the potential of land contamination is considered as part of planning applications, in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The planning process therefore plays an important role in the identification and restoration of contaminated land.

If there is a potential for contamination, such as where development is proposed on previously used ‘brownfield’ sites, appropriate recommendations will be made as part of the planning process.

Contaminated Land Strategy

Tamworth Borough Council has a Contaminated Land Strategy which sets out how we identify and deal with contaminated land in the borough. Copies can be provided on request.

Environmental search charges can be accessed via the Environmental Health Fees and Charges webpage.