Traveller and Gypsy sites

We respect the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller way of life.

When anyone from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community arrives in Tamworth, we visit to make sure everyone is ok (called a welfare check). We ask for family names, how many people are in the group and if anyone needs help with a home, school or their health. 

While respecting the way of life, we will also be clear that stays on unauthorised land will be limited and people will be asked to leave within an agreed timeframe.

To make sure those already living in this community and the travelling community can live together peacefully, we have a code of conduct which is handed out to Travellers on their arrival to Tamworth.

This includes setting out expectations around issues such as tidiness, hygiene, noise levels and behaviour.


Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities have been travelling the country and staying in different areas to make a living as their way of life for many generations.

They are protected from discrimination under the Equalities Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998 and have the right to live free from harassment and discrimination. If members of this community experience targeted crime, they should report it to the police or Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate

Authorised sites

The nearest authorised site to Tamworth is in North Warwickshire. The link gives full details.

Process for dealing with unauthorised encampments

There is a very specific legal process when it comes to tackling unauthorised encampments, which can take several days. That is why agreeing an acceptable deadline for moving on is often the preferred action, as long as the code of conduct is adhered to.

The first part of the process is to establish who the land belongs to and whether the Travellers have consent to be there. It is always the responsibility of the landowner to take any action.

If it is established to be council land, we follow a set legal procedure to ensure best practice and appropriate legislation is followed. This includes making enquiries regarding any health, welfare or education needs of any children and vulnerable people on site.

Each case is different, and we will always take into account the factors above. On many occasions a site will be temporary, and encampments disperse very quickly in an agreed timeframe. Even when legal proceedings are instigated, timings will depend on availability at the courts.

If an encampment is on private land, it is usually down to the landowner to come to an agreement, where possible, or pursue the matter through the county court under civil proceedings.

Where enforcement is required, it follows this set process:

  1. Officers visit to carry out welfare checks and make sure everyone is OK, that there are no illnesses, mechanical breakdowns or emergencies that prevent enforcement action being taken
  2. Police issue toleration guidelines (behaviour expected while on site), while council issues direction to Leave Land (S77 Notice). Reasonable time is 24-72 hours for groups to leave.
  3. Officers revisit to check if those at the site have complied and left after the notice expires
  4. If anyone is still present officers will prepare a statement and apply for a court hearing date to secure an eviction order through the court
  5. Court date obtained (this date is determined by the court)
  6. Officers attend site and issue summons on all present
  7. Officers revisit site before court appearance to see if the unauthorised encampment is still there
  8. If the unauthorised encampment is still present officers will attend the court hearing and apply for an eviction order (S78 Notice)
  9. If the eviction order is granted by the court, officers will attend the site with bailiffs to ensure court order is enforced to vacate the site

To report an unauthorised encampment, you can call us on 01827 709709, or email

Any issues around crime and anti-social behaviour should be reported to police by calling 101, or via the Staffordshire Police website.

Other resources

Hate crime support – Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate

Advocacy and advice – Traveller Movement UK

Gypsy & traveller lifestyle, history and culture – The Travellers Times

Unauthorised encampments FAQs