
Safeguarding is the process of protecting children and adults at risk from abuse and neglect.

Safeguarding is everyone’s business. Everyone – regardless of age, culture, disability, sex, language, racial origin, socio-economic status, religious belief and/or sexual orientation - has the right to protection from abuse and harm. We have a moral and legal responsibility to put robust procedures in place and a duty of care to children and adults at risk, to help protect them from abuse.

The many forms of abuse

Abuse can take many forms, including all behaviour which can lead to harm or distress such as: hitting, pushing, bullying, stealing (financial abuse), neglect or sexual activity without consent. It can happen to men, women and children. Abuse is committed by all types of people, but it's often someone known and trusted.

Please see our Safeguarding Policy for more information.

You can also find out more about modern day slavery and how to spot the signs and read our Modern Slavery statement 2022/23.

Safeguarding Boards

Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board brings together representatives of each of the main agencies and professionals responsible for promoting the welfare and safety of children and young people in Staffordshire. 

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board brings together representatives of key agencies to help and protect adults in the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent area. 

Recognise it and report it

If you think someone is being abused or their safety is at risk, then it is important to tell someone. Where a crime has been committed, or if you're worried about someone's immediate safety, contact the police. Otherwise you should report your concerns to a county council social work team.

Useful links