Gambling and lotteries

Most forms of gambling are regulated by the Gambling Commission under the Gambling Act 2005. As a licensing authority, Tamworth Borough Council has responsibilities for the administration and enforcement of the act within the borough.

This includes:

  • Licensing premises for gambling activities
  • Granting and regulating permits for gaming machines
  • Granting permits for prize gaming
  • Registering small lotteries

Applications will be decided in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005 and our 2025-2028 Statement of Principles.

To apply for a gambling licence or permit, please fill out the relevant application form and return it to us at the address below. You are also encouraged to consult with the organisations named on the list of Responsible Authorities.

To apply for:

Contact us at to request an application pack.

You can view set fees for premises licences issued under the Gambling Act here.

Lottery registration

Small lotteries and raffles by charitable societies raising money for charitable, sports, or similar purposes other than personal gain must be registered with the council.

Before the lottery can be registered, the society or organisation running the lottery must itself be registered with the council – if its head office is in the town.

It costs £40 to register and this runs for an unlimited period, with an annual maintenance fee of £20, until it’s cancelled.

Evidence of charitable status will be required.

Under the Gambling Act 2005, a return must be submitted to the council after every lottery showing how much was raised and what the funds were used for.

For more information, please find the relevant documents below. The Gambling Commission also has various information about organising lotteries, raffles and similar fundraisers.

Please return all completed gambling and lottery forms to: Licensing, Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, B79 7BZ
Tel: 01827 709 709. Email:

Local Area Profile for Tamworth

Tamworth Borough Council have completed a local area profile as recommended by the Gambling Commission in their guidance to licensing authorities (GLA). 

The local area profile has been created with a view to increasing awareness of local risks, improving information sharing and to facilitate constructive engagement with licensees and a more coordinated response to local risks.

The local area profile will also help to inform specific risks that operators need to address in their own risk assessments, which will form part of any new licence application, or an application to vary a licence.

The local area profile does not form part of any of the licensing authorities “Statement of Principles” under the Gambling Act 2005 but is referred to in them.

The local area profile will be regularly reviewed and refreshed in consultation with the responsible authorities identified in the Gambling Act 2005 and other relevant organisations including public health, mental health, housing, education, community welfare groups, community safety partnerships, and organisations such as GamCare or equivalent local organisations.