What to include in your application

This planning application validation document has been produced in line with the paragraphs 55-58 of the current NPPF (July 2021). 

You can download the pdf version of the validation document here or view the contents below.

Planning Practice Guidance also provides substantial guidance on conditions including their usage, content and general good practice.

This document therefore seeks to use this guidance to produce a list of all the relevant conditions that would apply to planning applications at Tamworth Borough Council. This isn’t relevant to validation.

  1. Table One – lists the national validation requirements for planning applications. These are required with all applications.
  2. Table Two - sets out Tamworth Borough Council’s local validation requirements.  
  3. Table Three - a checklist matrix, which is a quick reference guide to check what is required before submitting a specific type of application. 

The validation process 

The validation of planning applications is essentially an administrative process to check that the correct documents and fee (where applicable) have been submitted. 

We can make an application ‘invalid’ if the submitted application is not in accordance with either the national (set out in Table One) or local requirements (set out in Table Two). This can include where there are clear inaccuracies within the submitted information, missing plans, drawings with insufficient detail, or an incorrect fee/ownership certificate. When this happens, we will try to help you to remedy the inaccuracies or deficiencies in your application in a timely way. We will normally contact you by email in the first instance, giving you the opportunity to address any issues.

Where an application is considered to be invalid, this will not be processed until the extra information or inconsistencies are addressed. If you are unable to achieve agreement with us, you have the right to seek a resolution by following national procedures (set out here: Making an application - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). In these circumstances, you must send an ‘article 12’ notice to us which:-

(i) specifies which particulars or evidence you consider do not meet the requirements;

(ii) sets out the reasons why you hold that view; and,

(iii) requests that we waive the requirement to include those particulars in the application.

Following receipt of this notice, the Council will provide you with either a non-validation, or validation notice.

Types of application 

The content and detail of the supporting information we require will be proportionate and relevant to the development. For householder developments (e.g. home extensions and outbuildings) the information required is usually minimal and set out in accordance with national requirements. This is unless your application relates to property that is listed building, in a conservation area, covered by a Tree Preservation Order, or within a Flood Zone. 

For major schemes it is recommended that the content of technical documents supporting your application be informed by pre-application discussions with the Council and by reference to our planning policies and guidance.  The Council's pre-application advice service.

Major developments means development involving any one or more of the following -

a) the winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral-working deposits;

b) waste development;

c) the provision of dwellinghouses where —

i. the number of dwellinghouses to be provided is 10 or more; or

ii. the development is to be carried out on a site having an area of 0.5 hectares or more and it is not known whether the development falls within sub-paragraph (c)(i);

d) the provision of a building or buildings where the floor space to be created by the development is 1,000 square metres or more; or

e) development carried out on a site having an area of 1 hectare or more.

Minor developments are anything smaller than this.

Submission of Applications 

Applications should be submitted through the Planning Portal.

Should you wish to submit hard copies, application forms can be obtained directly from the Planning Portal. 

If you are in any doubt about the requirements after reading this document, please contact us through planningadmin@tamworth.gov.uk before preparing and submitting your application. If the information required is not submitted with your application, then the application will not be valid and it will not be assigned to a case officer - or start to be progressed towards a decision. 

If in doubt, please ask. 

Please don’t feel you can’t submit an application without knowing what is needed. 

We are more than happy to help you provide the relevant information to avoid being told your application is invalid and therefore holding up its determination