The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge that councils can apply to contribute towards new infrastructure to support developments in the area.
‘Infrastructure’ could include sports and recreation facilities, transport initiatives and improvements to public spaces.
It works by charging a set rate per square metre of eligible development involving a net increase of 100 square metres or more of floor space. The amount raised is not expected to cover all the infrastructure funding requirements, rather it is part of a wider package of finance measures from a range of sources.
More information about CIL can be found by visiting the links and documents below:
Annual CIL rate summary 2024
Under Regulation 121C of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended), a CIL charging authority is required to publish annual statements outlining the effect of indexation upon the adopted rates for the upcoming calendar year.
Tamworth Borough Council adopted the current CIL charging schedule in August 2018. At the time of adoption, the index figure (based on the BCIS All-in Tender Price Index) stood at 313. The rate to be used for 2025, as published by BCIS on 28th October 2024, is 391.
The table below shows the equivalent value in 2025 of each of the CIL rates set out in the charging schedule adopted in 2018.
Type of Development |
Rate at adoption (01 August 2018) |
Equivalent rate for 2025 |
One or two unit residential schemes |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
Residential schemes between 3 and 10 units |
£68.00 |
£84.95 |
Residential schemes of 11 or more units |
£35.00 |
£43.72 |
Residential dwellings, extra care and care homes |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
Comparison and convenience retail development located outside the Town Centre, Local Centres and Neighbourhood Centres as defined in the Charging Zones Maps |
£200.00 |
£249.84 |
Comparison and convenience retail development located inside the Town Centre, Local Centres and Neighbourhood Centres as defined in the Charging Zone Maps |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
All other development |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |