Health and safety advice

If you run a business in Tamworth, or you’re thinking about starting a business in the town, you must comply with health and safety law. This ensures you have considered the health, safety and welfare of your staff and members of the public.

You may be visited for an inspection as a new business or following a report of an accident or complaint.

The size and nature of your activities will determine what health and safety measures you need to implement and whose role it is to enforce that.

Enforcement could be the responsibility of Tamworth Borough Council, or the Health and Safety Executive.

The Health and Safety Executive website is a good place to start for all general business-related health and safety advice.

Links to further information about some of the common health and safety at work issues are listed below.

You can also contact us for further help and advice:

Call: 01827 709709

How to make a RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) report

  • Report an injury
  • Report a dangerous occurrence 
  • Report a case of disease 
  • Report a flammable gas incident 
  • Report a dangerous gas fitting

Responsible persons’ including employers, self-employed and people in control of work premises should submit reports under RIDDOR

How to report

  • Online Go to and complete the appropriate online report form. The form will then be submitted directly to the RIDDOR database.  You will receive a copy for your records.
  • Telephone All incidents can be reported online but a telephone service remains for reporting fatal and specified injuries only (what are specified injuries? See Call the Incident Contact Centre on 0845 300 9923 (opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm). Out of hours – HSE and local authorities are not an emergency service. You won’t be able to make your report out of hours.

Useful links