Key decisions determining how services are delivered in Tamworth are made by the council and its committees. For the most part, these meetings are open to the public, except where confidential or exempt information is involved. Some decisions will be delegated to council officers (the employed members of staff at the council) in accordance with the scheme of delegation.
While you can read more about the council’s role, responsibilities and committees here, this page tells you more about how you can attend the various meetings and put questions to the council.
All council committees are listed here. By clicking into each individual committee, you can access future meeting dates and agendas, as well as past meetings, agendas and minutes.
There’s also a calendar of meetings which lists all upcoming meetings and links to agendas as soon as they are available. Agendas also feature meeting locations and times, but most are held at Tamworth Town Hall in Market Street at 6pm.
Viewing and attending meetings
Members of the public are invited to attend full council and committee meetings, although agendas sometimes contain items which are confidential for legal reasons and people may be asked to step out for those items. You don’t need to tell us you’re coming, just turn up a few minutes before the meeting is due to start.
Meetings are also recorded and can be viewed online as they happen or at a later time. The link to view the meeting is included on the agenda front page. You can view past meetings via the council’s YouTube channel.
Filming at council meetings
If you want to film at a meeting, please read our protocol for this first.
Asking questions at meetings
You can submit questions to be asked at council or cabinet, which you can ask in person at the meeting. Or the question can be read out on your behalf. Questions must be submitted in advance, in accordance with the timelines below. This is so an informed response can be given at the meeting.
Email questions to
Day of Meeting |
Deadline |
Monday |
5pm the previous Wednesday |
Tuesday |
5pm the previous Thursday |
Wednesday |
5pm the previous Friday |
Thursday |
5pm the previous Monday |
Friday |
5pm the previous Tuesday |
Full council: Up to two questions can be submitted per person per meeting of the full council.
Cabinet: One question can be submitted per meeting.
For more information on the council, its committees and attending meetings, please email, call 01827 709616 or contact us via webchat.
Please note, if you wish to speak at a Planning Committee on a specific application, you will need to contact the team directly via email at