The Freedom of Information Act places an obligation on every public authority to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme. We adopted the Model Publication Scheme, approved by the Information Commissioners Office, which represents a commitment by us to publish information within certain broad classes, which are:
Who we are and what do we do:
This class contain links to our organisation information, structures, locations and contracts of the following subject areas:
What we spend and how we spend it
This class contain links to our organisation information, structures, locations and contracts of the following subject areas:
- Financial statements, budgets and variance reports: Detail of where money is being spent, annual statements and quarterly reports for revenue and capital expenditure. Financial statements for projects and events.
- Capital programme: Major plans for capital expenditure including any private finance initiatives (PFI) and public-private partnership contracts and the funding for those partnership arrangements.
- Other miscellaneous financial information: When available spending reviews, members' allowance scheme and allowances paid each year, pay and grading structure and election expenses.
- Procurement: Procedures for acquiring goods and services, contracts available for public tender, details of contracts awarded and their value.
- Audit: Financial audit reports and district auditor's report.
What our priorities are and how are we doing:
This class links to our strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews
How we make decisions
This class links to information regarding our decision making processes and how we record those decisions:
Our policies and procedures
This class links to our current written protocols, policies and procedures we wish to publish on delivering our services and responsibilities.
- Policies and procedures for conducting council business: Codes of practice, procedural standing orders, memorandum of understanding, guidance between committees and delegated authority, policy on communications.
- Polices and procedures for service delivery: Including local agreement memoranda, policies/procedures for handling enquiries/requests for information
- Recruitment and employment: Policies on equality and diversity, health and safety recruitment and current vacancies.
- Customer service: Standards for providing services and complaints procedure.
- Records management and personal data polices: Information security policies and data protection policies.
- Charging regimes and policies: Any statutory charging regimes for information or services and how they are made
Lists and registers:
This class lists current public registers and lists we have a statutory obligation to make public:
- Public registers and records: Available for public inspection either electronically or by appointment, contact details on arrangements for inspection, examples are licensing, planning, register of councillors' financial and other interests, gifts and hospitality.
- Transparency and open data: Asset and information asset register: Capital asset register and information assets available under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005.
- Disclosure logs: Information regularly disclosed under Freedom of Information or where there is a substantial public interest.
Services provided by the council
This class provides links to current information about the services we provide, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters: