Corporate Peer Challenge

In October 2024, we invited the Local Government Association (LGA) to carry out a Corporate Peer Review. The aim of the review was to help us understand what we’re doing well and where we can improve. Councils across the country regularly have this review to help identify improvements.

During the review we were able to show how we’re making a positive impact on the lives of people who live and work in Tamworth, and the review team spoke to over seventy people, including council staff, members, external partners, and other stakeholders.

The final report from the LGA is available to read on the LGA website or you can view the final report for the Corporate Peer Challenge (Word docx) Overall, the feedback is very positive about the council’s performance in various areas.

Like any review, it also highlighted some areas for improvement. The review team made twelve key recommendations that are now being put together into an action plan, which will be monitored regularly. Once it’s finalised, it will be published here by 31 March 2025.

The Local Government Association review team will also visit again in September 2025 to check on our progress.