Emergencies can happen at any time and often with very little or no notice. We plan for emergency response with both the emergency services and other agencies. These joint plans help to save lives and look after the welfare of affected people.
There are also steps that you can take to prepare for an emergency. Staffordshire Prepared has useful information and advice to look at. This includes preparing in advance, how an emergency response happens and recovery afterwards.
If you run a business, take a look at our business continuity information.
Emergency Alerts
Emergency Alerts is a UK government service that will warn you if there’s a danger to life nearby.
In an emergency, your mobile phone or tablet will receive an alert with advice about how to stay safe. An alert will sound even if your phone is on silent.
Read more on the Gov website.
The Environment Agency issues flood warnings which can be found on the Gov.UK website.
You can find flood emergency preparation advice on Staffordshire Prepared and Environment Agency websites.
The National Flood Forum website provides flooding advice and information about how to protect your property.
If you have suffered flooding or want to know how to try and prevent flooding to your property, you may need help or advice on what to do next.
Where there is flooding, people are urged to follow the following safety advice:
- Do not travel unless essential and continue to watch weather and flooding updates.
- Look out for vulnerable neighbours, especially if they have care services who may not be able to reach them.
- Never drive or walk into floodwater, even if it appears shallow – it could endanger your life.
- Residents are urged to report life threatening events to the police by calling 999.
- Any flooding, issues on the roads and with drains can be reported to the county council online: Report flooding or a road and drainage issue - Staffordshire County Council
- Waves created by vehicles in flooded areas cause more issues for homes and businesses at the side of them, so please do not drive unless essential.
Further information:
The primary responsibility for protecting property from flooding rests with the property owner. We are also aware of the considerable efforts put in by the Environment Agency to notify property owners in flood risk areas of the risks they face. We support this approach and urge those living within areas identified as being at risk from flooding to follow the advice of the Environment Agency.
We do not supply sandbags for domestic use, and will not issue any to the general public.