A temporary event notice (TEN) enables people to hold small, licensed events in unlicensed premises or open-air locations, or where activities would be outside the remit of an existing premises licence.
You need a TEN for activities such as the:
- Sale of alcohol
- Supply of alcohol in clubs
- Provision of regulated entertainment (live and recorded music, dancing, film, theatre)
- Provision of hot food at any time between 11pm and 5am
A temporary event notice is mostly used to organise small one-off events at unlicensed premises, such as a disco in a function room or open space. In this scenario, the TEN would also cover the sale of alcohol.
Or to cover a small-scale event at a licensed premises but where the proposed activities fall outside the remit of the licence. For example, to extend the hours, or to extend access to a club with a club premises certificate.
Limitations of a temporary event notice
- There can’t be more than 499 people at the event (including staff)
- The event can’t last longer than 168 hours
- There can only be 15 such events per calendar year at any one premises
- The total aggregate number of days per year covered by TENs at any one premises is 21 days (irrespective of the number of individual events)
- Any event beginning before midnight and continuing into the next day would count as two days towards the 21-day limit
- You must be aged 18 or over to apply
Standard and late temporary events notices
A standard TEN application must be received by the licensing team, police and environmental health no later than 10 clear working days before the event, while a late notice application must be received within nine days, and no later than five working days before the event. (Clear working days is defined as disregarding the day of submission and the day of the event).
However, we recommend you submit your application as early as possible (at least two months before) to maximise chances of success.
This gives the police and environmental health officers enough time to review the application and discuss any concerns with you.
If you submit your application within the minimum time frame of 10 days and an objection is lodged, you may not have time to appeal against the decision. Only the police and environmental health can object.
Please complete the same form for a standard or late TEN.
The number of TENs you can apply for depends on whether or not you hold a personal licence:
Maximum number of TENs |
Maximum number of Late TENs |
Personal licence holder |
Non personal licence holder |
*Late TEN applications count towards the overall number of applications
Applying for your TEN
Please complete the Temporary Event Notice application form and post a copy to each of the three addresses below.
Licensing Team, Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7BZ
Email: publicprotection@tamworth.gov.uk
Environmental Health Team, Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7BZ
Email: environmentalprotection@tamworth.gov.uk
Chief Officer of Police, Staffordshire Police, Staffordshire Police Licensing. Stafford police Station, Eastgate Street, Stafford, ST16 2DQ.
Email: licensinghq@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk
Paying for your TEN
A TEN application costs £21. You can pay by cheque to Tamworth Borough Council, or pay online by selecting ‘Miscellaneous Payments, Licensing, Licensing Act’. Please provide the receipt number given in your application form.
If there are no objections from the police or environmental health, the event can go ahead.
A TEN does not relieve the premises user from any other requirements or permissions that may be required to support their event.