Social Value Priorities & Pledges

Tamworth Borough Council have split our Social Value priorities into three themes, Environmental, Social and Economic. Detailed below you will find the priorities that are important to the Council, what action we are taking and what suppliers can pledge to support our aims as part of their submissions when bidding for our Procurement Projects.

Environmental theme 

  1. Aim: reduce carbon emissions

What are we doing throughout Tamworth

  • Tamworth Borough have declared a climate emergency, urgent action is required to reduce carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities, as rapidly as possible with the goal of becoming net zero by 2050, aspiring to do so by 2030 should we be financially able to do so. 
  • We are developing a climate action plan which will include specific actions for reducing carbon emissions across our operations and protecting nature and biodiversity.

Evidence and pledges 

Provide evidence of your own environmental management system (an external industry aligned certification, or your own framework) including resource reduction targets set to support the progress towards net zero in Tamworth, such as:

  • PlanetMark certification 
  • IS014001 EMS 
  • Science Based 
  • Carbon Trust certification 
  • NQA certification 
  • BREEAM (built environment) 
  • CEEQUAL (built environment) 
  • Other internal, industry aligned EMS 

Please include any targets that have been set.

2. Aim: reduce vehicle emissions in Tamworth

What is Tamworth doing

  • Tamworth Borough Council have implemented measures to save car miles and lower emissions within Tamworth. This includes an electric vehicle charging strategy, purchasing an electric vehicle fleet for operations, working with external partners to facilitate better integrated public transport and offering a hybrid working model where staff work can work from home

Evidence and pledges 

  • Provide details of your sustainable travel strategy that are relevant to your contract with us and will reduce vehicle emissions in Tamworth. Please detail how you plan to deliver this within Tamworth. 
  • Evidence your plans to save freight miles in operations (e.g. reduced trips to sites in Tamworth)
  • Provision of alternative transport to work e.g. cycle to work scheme, car-pooling, electric car schemes, within Tamworth.

3. Aim: increase and enhance biodiversity in Tamworth, managing green spaces effectively

What is Tamworth doing

  • Tamworth Borough Council have made a Nature Recovery Declaration. 

Biodiversity decline is reducing nature’s ability to adapt and flourish, which is posing a challenge for our economies and negatively impacting wellbeing. Urgent action is required to prevent and reverse the long-term decline of nature

  • Tamworth Borough Council will take decisions to protect and regenerate biodiversity across our local area. This also includes providing volunteering opportunities to take part in local conservation initiatives

Evidence and pledges 

  • Provide details of your own nature recovery strategy that are relevant to your contract with us and will support biodiversity protection and regeneration in Tamworth
  • Provide details of your habitat protection and biodiversity regeneration plan for areas in Tamworth
  • Pledge to allocate resources e.g. trees to plant (must be the right species in specific earmarked locations) 
  • Pledge to provide volunteer hours for biodiversity regeneration and habitat protection in Tamworth.
  • Pledge to provide biodiversity and nature protection engagement initiatives in Tamworth e.g. for schools, tenants or residents

4. Aim: reduce single-use plastic, food waste and non-recyclable waste

What is Tamworth doing

  • Tamworth Borough Council monitor and reduce waste (including food) as much as possible, following the three principles of ‘reducing, re-using and recycling’ to promote a circular economy
  • Hard to recycle waste is diverted from landfill or incineration through specific recycling partnerships, single use plastic packaging is minimised through re-usable packaging solutions 
  • We engage staff and residents with sustainable behaviours such as swapping to re-usable water bottles, re-using and recycling products where possible. 

Evidence and pledges 

  • Provide details of your waste management and reduction plan, including single use plastics and food waste that is specific to Tamworth.
  • Provide details of your plan to deliver waste reduction and sustainable behaviour engagement initiatives in Tamworth, focused on areas such single use plastic reduction, promoting recycling, or ethical and sustainable purchasing. 

Social theme

  1. Aim: enable a healthy, safe and resilient community in Tamworth

What is Tamworth doing

  • The council takes measures to enable a healthier, safer and more resilient community in Tamworth (these measures are co-designed with local stakeholders with their input for example supporting the Belgrave Community allotment).
  • The council promote active travel, provide facilities for increased physical activity for all ages, support vulnerable people to build stronger networks and we have created accessible, vibrant and welcoming public spaces
  • We are developing a climate adaptation plan which will impact decision making, to manage the risks and vulnerabilities associated with climate change. The plan will set out measures for reducing adverse impacts in Tamworth and strengthen adaptation actions such as infrastructure modification to cope with extreme weather events.

Evidence and pledges 

  • Deliver health and wellbeing interventions e.g. stop smoking support, provision of physical or creative activities for local people 
  • Support vulnerable people to build stronger networks (befriending schemes or meet up groups)
  • Support youth group activities in the local community
  • Provide volunteering opportunities for local projects that support the community in Tamworth
  • Provide or donate equipment to organisations to increase accessibility for all and promote wellbeing in Tamworth

2. Aim: develop local people’s skills and increase their self-confidence to pursue their chosen career

What is Tamworth doing

  • Tamworth Borough Council provide support for getting people into employment, guidance and advice services (through partnerships in the community)

Evidence and pledges

  • Provide local volunteering opportunities that support the development of skills
  • Work with pupil referral units to provide mentorship and skill development
  • Partner with a local job centre in Tamworth to advertise roles for those who are struggling to find employment and run a session on employability
  • Partner with Higher Education institutions to provide students with work placements
  • Advertise opportunities and training at local employment fairs

3. Aim: support a diverse and inclusive workforce in Tamworth

What is Tamworth doing

  • Tamworth Borough Council is committed to employing a diverse workforce made up of people from a range of backgrounds. We aim to provide an inclusive, respectful and discrimination free environment for all our employees where everyone feels respected, appreciated and able to do a good job to the best of their ability. We are a Disability Confident Committed Employer, offer full and part-time contracts, support women into leadership roles, employ people from disadvantaged backgrounds and ethnic minorities. We are committed to equity and diversity within the organisation and all staff attend a compulsory ED&I training course.

Evidence and pledges

  • Policy demonstrating flexible working, job sharing and part time opportunities 
  • Equity and diversity policy
  • Provide support and refresher sessions for women getting back into work after career breaks
  • Provide leadership training opportunities for women and people from ethnic minorities or disadvantaged backgrounds 
  • Organise a wellbeing event in Tamworth to improve mental and physical health of the workforce

Economic theme 

  1. Aim: provide skill development and training opportunities for residents of Tamworth

What is Tamworth doing

⦁    Tamworth Borough Council provide support for getting people into employment, guidance and advice services (through partnerships in the community)

Evidence and pledges

  • Partner with local educational institutions to take on apprentices
  • Deliver vocational skills sessions at local schools/colleges
  • Provide vulnerable groups (e.g. under-represented gender and ethnic groups, disabled people, homeless people, rehabilitating young offenders or pupil referral units) with education and training opportunities such as: Apprenticeships or T-Levels (Level 2,3, or 4) or BTEC, City & Guilds, NVQ, HNC (Level 2,3, or 4+) that will be supported by you until completion, provided through your contract with us

2. Aim: increase access to employment opportunities for people living in Tamworth

What is Tamworth doing

  • Tamworth Borough Council provide support for getting people into employment, guidance and advice services (through partnerships in the community) 

Evidence and pledges

  • Support people into work in Tamworth. Provide unemployed people with career mentoring, mock interviews sessions, CV advice, and careers guidance
  • Provide meaningful work placements in Tamworth that pay minimum or national living wage according to eligibility. These internships should be 2 months or more. 
  • Pledge to hire or retain full time equivalent local employees (FTE) for the duration of this contract, who are residents of Tamworth, living in lower super output areas

3. Aim: support entrepreneurship and growth of responsible businesses in Tamworth

What is Tamworth doing

  • Tamworth Borough Council provide resources and support for local SME’s, encouraging growth of local businesses. We have set up the online ‘Tamworth Business Hub’ where opportunities and resources are shared for local businesses in the community

Evidence and pledges

  • Partner with SMEs in Tamworth as part of your supply chain 
  • Provide advice (based on your expertise) for SMEs or start-ups in Tamworth
  • Pledge to spend £xx (% of the contract) in Tamworth’s local supply chain to purchase materials, services etc. 
  • Deliver workshops for local entrepreneurs
  • Provide peer support and mentorship for local businesses 

 To reduce carbon emissions, where appropriate, your pledges can be delivered virtually, pre-recorded or through multiple channels, and do not necessarily need to be in person.


What support can Tamworth Borough Council provide?

  • Communities and Partnerships team can be a point of contact, signposting contractors to organisations they can partner with in the community to deliver their chosen pledges 
  • Economic development can assist with signposting contractors to local businesses 
  • Provide a ‘menu of partnerships’ to get in touch with such as local charities 
  • Set up a social value fund through which we support projects that have been identified through partners.

Proposed number of social value pledges dependant on contract value:

Contract Value

Number of pledges required from any social value area (environmental, social and economic)

£10,000 to £25,000


£25,001 - £50,000


£50,001 - £75,000


£75,001 - £100,000


£100,001 - £214,903


£214,904 and over


How we evaluate social value?

  • In a procurement process, the standard weighting for social value will be a minimum 5% of the overall evaluation score. Where it is feasible, this may be higher, if after considering the contract and its subject matter, it is identified as needing to be appropriately adjusted, enabling social value to be proportionate and relevant in all contracts.
  • Procurement scoring criteria for Social Value will be scored using the criteria below
Score Rating Rationale
0 Unacceptable Does not meet the requirement. Does not comply and/or provides insufficient information to demonstrate that the bidder has the understanding or ability to deliver social value commitments.
1 Very Poor Significant reservations regarding the bidder's understanding and ability required to provide social value, with little or no ' evidence to support the response
2 Concern Some reservations regarding the bidder's understanding and ability required to provide social value with minimal evidence to support the response
3 Acceptable Satisfies the requirement. The response demonstrates the commitment, understanding and ability required to deliver social value, with evidence to support it
4 Good

Satisfies the requirement with good clarity. The response demonstrates the understanding, relationships and ability required to deliver social value. The response clearly identifies clear local responses and provides a clear action plan for delivery


5 Very Good Exceeds the requirement. The response demonstrates exceptional local awareness, understanding and ability required to deliver social value. Response identifies factors that will offer a clear lasting legacy locally with a robust local action plan