Tackling climate change in Tamworth

We’re facing a climate crisis. There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activities are heating our atmosphere, degrading our land and polluting our oceans.

Tamworth Borough Council is on a mission to create a sustainable, low carbon community that supports a healthy environment with plentiful access to nature.

We recognise the impact that climate change will have on residents and businesses in Tamworth such as an increased risk of flooding and extreme heat which will affect livelihoods, health and wellbeing. 

In 2019, Tamworth Borough Council declared a climate emergency and made a commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 across the organisation’s service provision and estate.

Additionally, in 2023, we made a nature recovery declaration which recognises that urgent action is required to prevent and reverse the long-term decline of nature. The council will take decisions to protect and regenerate biodiversity across our local area. 

What are we doing to tackle climate change?

We’ve developed a climate change mitigation action plan and climate change adaptation strategy for tackling climate change and its impact: 

We’re also members of the Staffordshire Sustainability Board which has elected members across the County to discuss sustainability issues and agree on collective climate action. As part of the board, Tamworth have committed to ten pledges that will help to reduce carbon emissions