Local community and voluntary groups have received £5,240 in community grants, thanks to the latest round of quarterly grants from Tamworth Borough Council.
Four groups and three local talented sporting individuals have been awarded grants between £500 to £1,000, from the Community Grants scheme that is available for community, not for profit organisations or for identified not for profit projects, to work collaboratively and flexibly to meet the needs of the residents of Tamworth.
The latest awards have been given to the following groups:
- St Editha's Church: £1,000 towards the costs of consumables for Places of Welcome and to purchase toys for the Amington Ark and Baby Ark Group. The grant will also assist with the costs of volunteer first aid training.
- St Peter’s Church: £1000 for Aslans Gang Youth Club towards the cost of a week-long summer holiday club project for children up to the age of 14 years. The grant will also support the cost of coach hire for a day trip for families and to purchase a chrome book.
- Tamworth Strollers: £1,000 towards promoting Tamworth Walking Football club and develop a women’s team. It will support the costs of the design and creation of a website, and initial hosting costs.
- Tamworth Warriors Rugby Team: £500 to purchase new equipment for the under 10s next season as they move into a higher grade of rugby, including retaining bands, and ropes.
- Talent Individual 1 Fastpitch Softball: £740 towards the costs of hiring Landau Forte’s indoor training facility, and support with equipment costs, such as softballs.
- Talented Individual 2 Touch Rugby: £500 towards individual attendance at international and regional training camps, including travel costs and kit. The grant will also be used towards membership costs to Nottingham Touch Rugby training sessions.
- Talented Individual 3 Touch Rugby: £500 towards individual attendance at international and regional training camps, including travel costs and kit. The grant will also be used towards membership costs to Nottingham Touch Rugby training sessions.
More information about grants can be found online at: https://www.tamworth.gov.uk/community/voluntary-sector-grants
Councillor Sarah Daniels, Portfolio Holder for Co-Operative council, community partnerships and ASB, said: “We want to help as many local groups, individuals and organisations as possible and continue to support residents and local communities.
“Each quarter we award between four and ten local groups or individuals and over the past 12 months we have been delighted to support many projects. These have included Tamworth Foodbank, New Urban Era, Tamworth Have a Heart, social clubs, local churches and nature reserve groups, Tamworth Pantry, Community CIC, local scouts and brownie groups and many more!
“If your organisation or group is looking to hold a community event, launch a new scheme, reach out to the community or is short of funding to support existing projects, then please get in touch for more information about the next awards available.”
Notes to editors:
The Community Grants scheme is available for community, not for profit organisations or for identified not for profit projects to work collaboratively and flexibly to meet the needs of our communities.
Grants will be awarded for projects/activities that can meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Helps tackle the causes of inequality in our communities
- Helps develop and safeguard our environment and open spaces
- Increases opportunities to participate in arts, heritage, and sports activities
- Increases volunteering and civic pride
- Helps tackle causes and effects of poverty and financial hardship
- Considers talented sporting individuals, who by achievement in sports promote Tamworth as a place.
- Promotes and develops community cohesion
All grants should continue to demonstrate value for money and value to the people of Tamworth and have specific outcomes that can be recorded.
The pot available is a total of £15,590 per year and shared out on a quarterly basis.
The maximum fund allocations for the Community Grant is £1,000 per application, but may be more in exceptional circumstances.