A market research company, NEMS Market Research, are undertaking a telephone survey across the entirety of the borough of Tamworth, and surrounding areas.
The telephone survey is being undertaken on behalf of Tamworth Borough Council and planning consultants Firstplan. The telephone survey will run between the middle of July and early August 2024.
The survey involves randomised calls to residents living both within and outside of Tamworth borough to discuss the destinations where local residents travel to for shopping and leisure, whether they use Tamworth town centre for shopping and leisure, and if so what they like and dislike about the centre, as well as inviting opinions as to how it could be improved.
The results of the telephone survey will be used to inform the preparation of a new retail and leisure study for the borough, which will set out the type and amount of retail and leisure development which Tamworth Borough Council will need to plan for in the future. The findings of the retail and leisure study will, in turn, inform the preparation of the council's new local plan.
Further information about the council’s new local plan can be found at: https://www.tamworth.gov.uk/index.php/planning/local-plans/local-plan-2022-2043 or by searching on Tamworth Borough Council’s website for ‘new local plan’.
Tamworth Borough Council and Firstplan thank residents for their time and participation in the survey.