Where your money goes

Council Tax is a way for local councils to raise money to pay for services such as education, social services, libraries, refuse collection, street lighting and leisure. We collect Council Tax but only retain 10% of it, the rest is distributed as per the table below.

Council Tax bands 2025/26 and where the money goes

Band Tamworth
Borough Council
Staffordshire Commissioner 
Fire and Rescue
Staffordshire Commissioner 
Police and Crime
County Council
A £139.17 £61.18 £191.71 £1081.14 £1,473.20
B £162.37 £71.38 £223.67 £1,261.33 £1,718.75
C £185.56 £81.57 £255.62 £1,441.52 £1,964.27
D £208.76 £91.77 £287.57 £1,621.71 £2,209.81
E £255.15 £112.16 £351.47 £1,982.09 £2,700.87
F £301.54 £132.56 £415.38 £2,342.47 £3,191.95
G £347.93 £152.95 £479.28 £2,702.85 £3,683.01
H £417.52 £183.54 £575.14 £3,243.42 £4,419.62
% 10%  4% 13% 73%  100%

How is Council Tax calculated?

Council Tax is based on a property's value. All homes - including flats - are subject to Council Tax; rented and owner occupied and whether they are lived in or not. Each property receives one Council Tax bill. The bill can be reduced for people living on their own and for some people with disabilities. Read more about Council Tax discounts here.

Read 2025/26 Council Tax Leaflet.

The actual amount of Council Tax you pay depends on which Council Tax band your property is in as shown in the table above. More than 90 per cent of people in Tamworth pay less than the Band E charge. 

Important information about Council Tax band checks

A number of council tax payers have received a letter from companies providing a 'no win, no fee' service regarding reducing Council Tax bands. The company will charge the individual 30 per cent of any reduction they receive.

Tamworth Borough Council strongly advises customers who want to check their banding to contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). It is responsible for assessing and reviewing Council Tax bands on all domestic properties. There is no charge for this service. If, after investigating, the VOA agrees, the band will be changed. However the band could go up as well as down. Please visit the VOA website for more information.

If you disagree with your property's Valuation Band, you can appeal in writing to the Valuation Office.

Appealing against Council Tax

You may appeal if you believe you are not liable to pay Council Tax, for example, because you are not the resident or owner, or because your property is exempt, or the council has made a mistake in calculating your bill. If you wish to appeal on these grounds you must firstly notify the Council Tax team in writing so that we have the opportunity to reconsider the case.

Making an appeal does not allow you to withhold payment of tax owing in the meantime. If your appeal is successful you will be entitled to a refund of any overpaid tax. Further details of the appeal procedures (including the role of Valuation Tribunals) can be obtained from the Council Tax team.