Executive decisions made

Notices under the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012

Sometimes an urgent decision must be made where the required 28 days of notice has not been able to be given, in accordance with the Notices under the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.

Where the matter is a key decision, the decision can still be taken if:

  • The chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, or, if there is no such person, each member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, has been informed by notice in writing of the matter about which the decision is to be made
  • A key decision notice has been published and made available for inspection by the public and;
  • Five clear days have elapsed following the day on which the key decision notice was published and made available
  • Further special urgency rules apply

Details of key decision notices made in the last twelve month are listed below. Contact us at democratic-services@tamworth.gov.uk for decision notices from previous years.

Decision Date
Paragraph 10 - Decision to update changes to committee places 23 May 2023
Decision - Castle update 21 March 2024
Decision - Fleet Procurement 30 July 2024
Decision - Annual Garden Waste Subscription Charge 30 July 2024