MyTamworth portal for residents
This online service allows you to interact 24/7 with the council and be able to track your requests. You can also:
- let us know if you are moving home
- apply for services such as a single person discount for your Council Tax
- report street issues such as litter or tree pruning and upload a photo
- easily make payments direct to your account
Head to MyTamworth Press Sign In and you will be given the option to register. You will need an email address. More features will be added soon.
MyHousing website for tenants
Tamworth Borough Council housing tenants can now manage aspects of their tenancy online, in real-time, through the brand new MyHousing website.
Report It
- Abandoned vehicles
- Anti-social behaviour incident
- Anti-social behaviour diary record sheet
- Benefit fraud
- Change in circumstances for Benefits
- Council property repairs
- Empty property
- Housing cheats
- Housing repairs
- Make a complaint
- Make a Planning Enforcement complaint
- Missed bin collection
- Pay us a compliment
- Road, pothole or highway issue
- Report a rough sleeper
- Street issues
Apply for It
- Additional recycling bin
- Assisted bin collection
- Blue badge
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus Pass
- CCTV subject access request
- Community grants
- Council garages
- Council housing
- Council Tax Direct Debit
- Filming request
- Freedom of Information request
- Garden waste service
- Housing benefit/council tax reduction application form
- Housing Register
- Intention to claim housing benefit or council tax reduction online
- Large family, nappy or medical bin
- Planning application
- Replacement bin
- Register to vote
- Taxi application
Check it
- Available Council properties
- Benefits calculator
- Bin collection day
- Business rates (NNDR) balance
- Consultations
- Council meetings
- Council Tax balance enquiry
- Job vacancies
- Planning applications
- Public register of license applications
- Rent balance enquiry
- Schools directory
- Tamworth Map - Find Your Nearest