Rough sleeping

People who are homeless and sleeping on the streets with no access to accommodation are defined as rough sleepers.

We want to help anyone in this situation connect with local services and find a home.

You can help by letting us know if you see someone who appears to be living on the street, including information about where you saw them and what they look like.

If you are sleeping rough, or you see someone who is, please report it using these details:

  • Streetlink – this is a national service which helps connect people with support services in their area, including sending an alert to our housing solutions team
  • Contact our housing solutions team directly via 01827 709709
  • Rough sleepers can also use this freephone number for help – 0800 183 0454

We will aim to make contact with the rough sleeper, establish their needs and try and help them off the streets.

Please be aware that some people who appear to be living on the streets might actually have somewhere to stay.

In this case, a different type of response could be more appropriate. It is therefore possible that someone still appears to be sleeping rough after you’ve reported it.

Severe weather provision

When there are severe weather conditions, we have the option to provide emergency temporary accommodation to people who are street homeless and have nowhere else to stay. Anyone in this situation can get in touch using the contact information above.

If you find yourself with nowhere to stay outside of normal working hours, please call 01827 709709 and choose option 1. You will be asked some questions about your circumstances and emergency accommodation may be provided.

Other useful links

Please visit these links on our website if you are homeless, or at risk of being made homeless.

More information about rough sleepers can also be found on the Shelter and Crisis websites.