We are currently working on a new Local Plan which will set out the policies that will guide development in Tamworth up to 2043. The plan aims to describe and support Tamworth’s housing and employment needs.
There are several stages involved in the creation of a Local Plan including a number of opportunities for people to give their views throughout the process.
The stages are:
- Evidence gathering and early consultation
- Pre-submission publication stage
- Submission of document and independent examination
- Inspector’s report and adoption
All Local Plans are created in accordance with national planning policy framework.
We are currently in the evidence gathering stage and have been looking at a variety of data and evidence, including opinions from residents and partners.
The first consultation sought views on the initial issues and options that will define the draft Local Plan going forward.
More information about planning strategy in Tamworth can be found on our Local Development Scheme web page.
The current Local Plan is available here.