A Local Plan sets out a vision and framework for the future development of an area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure. It also provides a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design. The Local Plan is an essential tool for guiding decisions on individual development proposals and is the starting point for considering whether a planning application can be approved.
Local Plan 2022-2043
We are currently working on a new Local Plan which will set out the policies that will guide development in Tamworth up to 2043. You can read about the process and consultation opportunities for the Local Plan 2022-2043 here.
The rest of this page refers to the currently adopted Local Plan.
Adopted Local Plan 2006-2031
The Tamworth Borough Council Local Plan 2006-2031 is our current adopted Local Plan and sets out the vision and spatial planning strategy for Tamworth. It also allocates parts of the town for new homes and employment land to meet local community and business needs up to 2031.
Our Local Plan was adopted by a meeting of the Full Council on Tuesday 23rd February 2016 after the conclusion of its independent examination. You can view the current Local Plan, accompanying documents and saved policies from the 2001-2011 Local Plan below.
Local Plan Review
Legislation requires that local development documents be reviewed every five years from the date of adoption, meaning that a review of the adopted Local Plan would be required to be completed by February 2021. However, updates to national planning policy and a change in priorities at a local level meant an earlier review of the plan was considered appropriate and this was carried out in March 2020. You can view the results of that review below.
Adopted Local Plan:
Related documents:
Other planning policy documents
Further information or advice is available by calling us on 01827 709709 or by emailing developmentplan@tamworth.gov.uk. You can also request to view physical copies of any of the documents above.