Tenant Satisfaction Measures and Performance Information

The Council has been working on the production of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures to meet the Social Housing Regulatory requirements.  This is aimed at improving services for all our tenants and leaseholders and putting them at the heart of housing service delivery.  The Regulator of Social Housing produced an easy read guide which can be found by clicking here.

The 22 tenant satisfaction measures cover both levels of satisfaction and management indicators about the Councils housing services.  The principal aims are to provide tenants with greater transparency about the Councils performance and inform the Regulator about how it is achieving this. 

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) for Key performance Areas 

Along with the live dashboard which also includes tenants own key performance measures which are extra, the table below shows the end of year performance for April 2023-March 2024.

TSM TSM Description % No. Stock
BS01 Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out. 99.9 3736 3738
BS02 Proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out. 100 1117 1117
BS03 Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out. 100 1075 1075
BS04 Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out. 69.9 496 710
BS05 Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out. 100 591 591
TSM TSM Description No. No. Stock
NM01 (pt1) Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes. 89.8 388 4320
NM01 (pt2) Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes. 1.4 6 4320
TSM TSM Description % No. Stock
RP01 Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard. 8.8 380 4320
TSM TSM Description % No. No.
RP02 (pt1) Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale. 93.7 12717 13565
RP02 (pt2) Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale. 96.7 3759 3888
TSM TSM Description No. No. Stock
CH01 (1) Number of stage one complaints received per 1,000 homes. 36 155 4320
CH01 (2) Number of stage two complaints received per 1,000 homes. 4 19 4320
TSM TSM Description % No. Stock
CH02 (1) Proportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. 54.5 85 155
CH02 (2) Proportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. 42.1 8 19



TSM Description

TP01 Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with the overall service from their landlord. 58.0
TP02 Proportion of respondents who have received a repair in the last 12 months who report that they are satisfied with the overall repairs service. 62.0
TP03 Proportion of respondents who have received a repair in the last 12 months who report that they are satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair. 62.0
TP04 Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their home is well maintained. 63.0
TP05 Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their home is safe. 69
TP06 Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them. 51
TP07 Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord keeps them informed about things that matter to them. 56
TP08 Proportion of respondents who report that they agree their landlord treats them fairly and with respect. 69
TP09 Proportion of respondents who report making a complaint in the last 12 months who are satisfied with their landlord’s approach to complaints handling. 23
TP10 Proportion of respondents with communal areas who report that they are satisfied that their landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained. 68
TP11 Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. 52
TP12 Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with their landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour. 54

Annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures Perception Survey

The Tenant Satisfaction Measure Perception Survey results provide information around tenants' perceptions of the Council's housing service delivery to support effective scrutiny by tenants of our performance in managing their homes and neighbourhoods. The results are reported to the Regulator of Social Housing as part of their regulatory standards that all Registered Providers of Social Housing (including Local Authorities like Tamworth Borough Council) are required to adhere to.

More information on the Regulatory Standards and the Tenant Satisfaction Measures can be found here: Regulatory standards - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) and ​Transparency, Influence and Accountability (including Tenant Satisfaction Measures) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

A summary of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures Perception Survey results 2024 are provided below, or as an infographic (pdf), short audio video, survey and a report detailing the Council’s approach to the survey.

Summary of Tenants Satisfaction Measures Perception Survey Findings 

Tamworth Borough Council commissioned M·E·L Research (an independent research agency) to survey all tenants so that we can see what is going well and what not so well. This is the first survey we have carried (during January & February 2024) using these questions below, and the findings will help us to improve the quality of services we deliver to our tenants.   

Out of the 4242 Council properties let at the time of the survey (as at 10/1/24) 745 tenants completed a survey either by phone or post.

  • 58% satisfied with the overall service provided by the Council 
  • 62% satisfied with the overall repairs service 
  • 62% satisfied with the time taken to complete most recent repair 
  • 63% satisfied that the Council provides a home that is well maintained 
  • 69% satisfied that the Council provides a home that is safe 
  • 51% satisfied that the Council listens to their views and acts upon them  
  • 56% satisfied that the Council keeps them informed about things that matter to them 
  • 69% agree that the Council treats them fairly and with respect   
  • 23% satisfied with the Council’s approach to complaints handling 
  • 68% satisfied that the Council keeps communal areas clean and well maintained 
  • 52% satisfied that the Council makes a positive contribution to their neighbourhoods 
  • 54% satisfied with the Council’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour

Thank you to all our tenants who were involved with sharing their feedback

Thank you for sharing how you feel about Tamworth Borough Council’s housing services.  We are currently working hard, together with our tenants’ groups to make things better for tenants based on what you have told us and the improvements to our service will be published in our forthcoming Tenant Annual Report.