Your bill explained

Below is an annotated example of a Council Tax bill which highlights the key information on it. You can also access a pdf version of this example bill here.

The most important element is your Account Reference Number which is contained in the first box. You will need to quote this number with all payments or correspondence with us. If you contact us, we will ask you for this number along with a range of verification questions.


  • Your Council Tax band and a summary of how it is calculated is stated on your bill. For further information visit our Council Tax webpage.
  • 'The Amount Due on This Notice' is the amount to be paid for the financial year.
  • Payments are due on the 5th of each month. However if you pay by Direct Debit you may see payment dates of the 18th or 28th of each month.
  • If you have an amount outstanding from previous years it will be shown at the bottom of your bill. If you have made a payment since the 3rd March this will not show on your bill.

If you require further help with understanding your Council Tax bill please contact us. You can use the 'Click to Chat' web chat facility, or tel 01827 709530, or email, or fill in our online Council Tax Enquiry Form.

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