The Licensing Act 2003 requires a premises licence to be held for any of the following:
- Retail sale or supply of alcohol
- Performance of a play or exhibition of a film
- Indoor sporting events, boxing or wrestling events
- Performing live music and dancing
- Supplying hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am
There are no set licensing hours. Licensees are free to apply for any hours they want. The Act also requires premises supplying hot food and drink after 11pm to be licensed, including takeaways.
Where alcohol is being sold, it is also necessary for someone who holds a personal licence to authorise the sale.
There is also a club premises certificate (for premises such as voluntary and social clubs) and a notification process for small short-term events, called a temporary event notice.
Application forms can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Responsible Authorities
Applications also have to be sent to various responsible authorities listed here.
Please click here for details of all licence fees.
Statement of licensing policy
Tamworth Borough Council is required to publish a Statement of Licensing Policy. This sets out the general principles that we take into account when making decisions. When submitting licence applications, applicants have to consider the policy and show how they will meet the government's four licensing objectives: The prevention of crime and disorder; public safety, prevention of public nuisance and protecting children from harm.
Cumulative Impact Assessment
A cumulative impact assessment may be used by licensing authorities to help limit the number of applications granted in areas where there is evidence to show that the number or density of licensed premises is having a cumulative impact and leading to problems which are undermining the licensing objectives. Cumulative impact relates to applications for new premises and club premises licences and variations of existing licences.
As the licensing authority, Tamworth Borough Council has published a cumulative impact assessment for Tamworth town centre. Further information is available in our Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2025.
Public consultation on applications
Licensing applications are subject to public consultation. You can read more about this on our licensing consultations page, where any live planning applications will be listed.
We have also produced some guidance on what to do if you are experiencing problems with licensed premises.
Public register of licences
Information on licenced premises in Tamworth can be found in our online Public Register.
Contact: Licensing Team. Tel: 01827 709709. Email:
Latest Application forms
To make an application for:
- A copy of a club certificate/premises licence
- Application for alcohol DPS (15)
- A provisional statement granted
- Declaration for club premises certificate to be granted
- Interim authority notice
- Notification of interest of premises under section 178
Contact us at to request a form.