Tamworth Borough Council has a duty to review of polling districts and polling places according to Electoral Administration Act 2006.
Councillors, local political parties, residents and views from such persons who have expertise in relation to access to premises views are invited to submit their representations.
Polling districts are the areas allocated to a polling place/polling station. Polling districts form the building blocks of the wards, electoral areas and constituencies, and any changes can only be made within these boundaries.
The review will not affect ward boundaries. A summary of current electoral arrangements and polling stations are available to download. Maps of current boundaries can be viewed below or can be inspected at the Council Offices, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7BZ
Whilst conducting the review the council must:
- Seek to ensure that all electors in the constituency have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances.
- Seek to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practicable, the polling places we are responsible for are accessible to all electors, including those who are disabled, and when considering the designation of a polling place, must have regard to the accessibility needs of disabled persons.
In addition, the review will consider the impact of the next 4 years’ worth of planned residential developments.
The consultation period will run from Monday 9 September to Monday 14 October.
Notice of Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places
To see the current and proposed changes for a ward please click on one below:
How to make a submission?
The availability of suitable polling places is a key factor in the makeup of polling districts. Therefore, in asking for comments, we would like to ask for your suggestions for polling station locations.
Share you views by:
Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places
Electoral Services Office
Tamworth Borough Council
Marmion House
Lichfield Street
B79 7BZ
If you need help with accessing our consultation documents, please email: elections@tamworth.gov.uk or call 01827 214155.
All comments and any responses from the Acting Returning Officer will be published. It is the Acting Returning officer’s role to select the polling stations. It will be the Full Council which will make the decision on any proposed changes to polling districts or polling places. The final scheme for polling arrangements will be adopted by the Chief Executive, in accordance with the Council’s constitution.
Following the publication of the final arrangements the following are, by law, entitled to appeal direct to the Electoral Commission within a period of six weeks.
These are:
- Groups of no less than 30 electors in a constituency who have not previously made representations.
- An elector who has previously made representations during the review.
- A person who is not an elector in the area but who the Electoral Commission decides has expertise in access to premises or facilities for disabled people.
All representations to the Electoral Commission must be in writing. They must be based on the grounds that the Council has not properly conducted the review because it has either failed to meet the reasonable requirements of electors, and/or taken insufficient account of accessibility for disabled people to the polling places within a polling district.